Annual RecruitNY Open House on April 24th
By 2nd Assistant Chief Kyle Wagman
April 15, 2016

The Rye Fire Department will hold its annual open house on April 24th at our headquarters, 15 Locust Avenue, Rye, NY.

From 10:00am to 3:00pm members will be demonstrating our trucks, turn out gear and other fire fighting equipment.

Members will be available to discuss the department and your opportunity to join, be trained and serve your families, friends and neighbors.

The Rye Fire Department answered over 950 calls for service in the past year. The diligence of the Fire Department members saved lives, property, opened locked houses, locked cars (with children inside),and cleared car accident scenes on I-95 and Rye city streets.

Founded in 1886 the Rye Fire Department volunteers have served our city and protected our citizens.

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